Our Products

Kenco Lift

T-Wall Lift 16000

Item Number: BL16000 AT

Features: These automatic Kenco barrier lifts do all the lifting, moving, and placing for everything from curbing to large barrier walls all without the use of hydraulics. The scissor action lifter will securely grip a concrete block, wall, curb or median wall. The exclusive actuator is the source of securing the barrier. By simply and efficiently using the force of gravity, the lift will clamp tightly against the wall surface. Equipped with premium Elastomer grips which provide superior performance – even in inclement weather and without damaging the concrete. The Kenco barrier lift model’s capacity ranges from 1,500 to 30,000 pounds.

16,000 lb. Automatic Barrier Lift, 4-12′ Grip Range, Safely Lifts T-Walls

Concrete Barrier Lifting Clamp Options:
Automatic or Semi-automatic | Optional Self-aligning Guides – extend down from one set of the lifts to allow the operator the ability to more easily align the lifter as it is lowered onto the wall.

Kenco Barrier Lift Specifications:

Capacity: 16,000 lbs

Usage: 4-12″W (top) T-wall


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