3 Considerations When Buying Concrete Traffic Barriers

As traffic on our roads continues to increase, so does the risk of accidents and traffic congestion. In the pursuit of safer roads and efficient traffic management, concrete traffic barriers have emerged as vital tools. With strategic placement, these barriers help to can create safe…

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Why Are Jersey Barriers Used at Events?

Concrete barriers, also known as Jersey Barriers, are one of the most widely used products at large-scale events. Though this innovative design has only been around for 75 years, its presence is everywhere. Concrete jersey barriers used at events have gone on to keep infrastructure…

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Are Barriers Used to Retain Water?

Although concrete barriers, plastic barriers, and bin blocks are feasible for creating storage bins (mulch, sand, salt, gravel, dirt, etc.), they are not designed to hold water.However, one model, the Water Filled Containment Barrier is designed to create a square or rectangular shape for containing water. This…

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Security Planters

The design of the security planter revolves around protection, aesthetics, security, for a lifetime. Each model offers various appeals and benefits depending on the requirements your project. Stone-Cast Security planters are precast with reinforced steel rebar. The aggregate finish on the planters not only serves…

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